Level Up

Your Personal Life, Career & Relationships

my mission

Boundless Potential

Most of us have the same raw materials from the moment we take our first breath of air, what separates those who achieve more than others or those that are happier is the way they use and refine those raw materials. What are you going to do with the gift of this life? Find your way by understanding your reason for being and learn the tools, structure and discipline to start living your best life.

The Resources

For Our Community



The key to accomplishing your goals is starting each day off right. Beginning each morning to optimize your day means taking a few minutes to get focused on what you will achieve. Take the first 30 minutes and break it into 10 minutes blocks of meditation, reading, and journaling.


Find Your Ikigai

The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life. Your ikigai is at the intersection of what you are good at and what you love doing. Discovering your own ikigai is said to bring fulfillment, happiness and make you live longer.


Build Your Willpower

It’s easy to give credit to willpower when you successfully build a new habit, but it’s also equally obvious to chalk up a failure due to a lack of willpower. Regardless of your thoughts on willpower; it is a real thing. It should be continuously strengthened, and it does have a direct impact on your ability to build a new habit.



Why do we have accountability partners? It is mentally harder to let someone else down than it is to let yourself down. It is much easier to skip something if no one is counting on you. By asking someone to hold you accountable for your goals it significantly increases your probability of accomplishing them.



By controlling the thoughts that you think and the way you respond to the events in your life, you begin to control your own destiny. When you dedicate yourself to transforming your inner world, your life quickly shifts from the ordinary to the extraordinary.


Positive Psychology

There are no mistakes in this life, only lessons. There is not such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self-mastery. No matter what happens in life, you alone have the capacity to choose how you respond to it.


What People Are Saying


“For me the OAK method is a compass; a conduit to my inner guidance system that is allowing me to see my life path clearly. It is so refreshing to wake up and know what your next step is going to be, and being able to take that step with ease and enjoyment. There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for this journal and how it has changed my life and continues to do so. Keith, you are a blessing. Thank you. ”

— Lanny, EO Indonesia

“I never knew how impactful morning rituals were until I started using the oak journal and implementing the 10/10/10 morning routine. In such a short amount of time, literally within days, the oak journal transformed my life. It has given me SO many things that I had been searching for for a long time. Since using the journal, I feel empowered, clear minded, focused, disciplined, courageous, and down right excited about accomplishing my goals.”

— David, YPO Malaysia

“Your workshop was fabulous. Just wanted to send a personal note that I loved your workshop this morning! Thanks so much for sharing your insights.I feel like all kinds of lightbulbs have gone off for me. I am immuno-compromised and had settled into this notion of simply enduring coronavirus and isolation. I am so intrigued and captivated by reframing this as an opportunity to emerge as a better version of myself. Thank you for that gift.”

— Amy, EOA Orange County

Next class starts
April 21st 2023

OAK Masterclass

6 Weeks to change your life - Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all of those around you. The OAK Masterclass is unlike any other professional growth program designed to help you

  • Weekly Live Group Workshops

  • Unlimited Access to Resources (Tools, Structure, and Life-Hacks)

  • Individual One-One-One Weekly Coaching Sessions

  • Lifetime access to the OAK community

Tools & Content

Sign up to recieve weekly emails with tools, structure and life-hacks to help you live your happiest life.